by sonja thorsvik

The Ultimate Website Build Checklist

Life is so much easier when you prepare!

Especially when it comes to your website.

It is the job of the developer to take the ‘puzzle pieces’ you provide and create a beautiful work of art out of them.

Once you have gone through phase one: find a designer/developer, sent them links to sites you like for inspiration, gone through a theme selection process, signed contracts, and actually paid them a portion of the total fee, it’s time to get to work on preparing and gathering content in one spot.

To make the process as seamless as possible have these items below prepared in document form on the cloud.

Pro-tip, ⟼ have this list ready before you even contact anyone to build a website for you and they will be extra impressed (trust me).

Website Hosting
Current Hosting Provider (ie. BlueHost, HostGator, GoDaddy):
Login Link:
Email associated:
Phone Number Associated:
Expiration or Renewal Date:

Website Platform
Current Web Platform (ie. WordPress, ShowIt, SquareSpace):
Login Link:
Email associated:
Phone Number Associated:
Expiration or Renewal Date:

Website Domain Name
Domain Name (your website URL):

Domain Name Host
Where did you purchase your domain (ie. GoDaddy):
Login Link:
Email associated:
Phone Number Associated:
Expiration or Renewal Date:

Newsletter Provider
Who is your provider (ie. MailChimp, Constant Contact, Flodesk):
Login Link:
Email associated:
List name for your general sign up form:

All Photos/Videos
Examples: Page photos, Headshots, Blog, Headers, Portfolio Items
Add to the cloud in the largest size possible
Files named correctly!
Format .jpg

All Text
Separate word documents
Clear the formatting
Make font sizes the same size and font
Hyperlinks write (link to XYZ page here)

Brand Identity
Logo in .jpg and .png format
Hex Colors
Font name, or link to your Google Font choice

Google Analytics HTML code
Facebook Tracking Pixel Code

SKU numbers
Coupon codes
Payment gateway information
Shipping methods
Tax information

Search Engine Optimization
10 power keywords that you want your site to be known for

Website Navigation
ex. home, about, portfolio, contact

Contact information
ex. phone, address, email address

Social Media Links
ex. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram

Legal Name Of Company
ex. Gigging for Gold Media LLC

4-7 Categories For Blog Posts
ex. What do you write about: marketing, social media, behind the scenes

4-7 Categories For Portfolio Items
ex. What did you do for clients: Courses, Strategy, Photography, Content Creation

5-10 of your best and most powerful related to your business

Opt-In Freebie Links
Hyperlinks, and what you want the default text to say when linked

Websites are a thing of beauty. With the above list intact, you will be on your way to building a website that converts and one that you will be proud of too.




I started my own entrepreneurial career in 2012 scaling up from $0 a year to over $100,000 each and every year. I firmly and wholeheartedly believe there are ways for all of us self-employed entrepreneurs to reach six-figures and beyond and I'm unapologetically here to show you how I do it so you can make your next best move. Let's go.

foUNDER of gigging for gold
i like my coffee black

Obsessed With Increasing Your Odds of success