by sonja thorsvik

How To Approach Past Clients For Testimonials

A proven way to build credibility and establish trust with potential clients is by showcasing testimonials from past happy clients. Testimonials provide social proof and demonstrate that your services or products have helped other clients achieve their goals. Whether you’re starting a new business or looking to improve your marketing strategies, collecting testimonials is essential. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of how to approach past clients for testimonials and how to utilize them effectively.

Understanding the Importance of Testimonials

Before we get into the details, it’s essential to understand the importance of testimonials. Testimonials are concrete examples of how your product or service has made a difference in someone’s life or business. They help build trust and credibility with potential clients who may be considering doing business with you. In fact, research shows that 92% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Testimonials are a powerful tool that can help you grow your business. They provide social proof that your product or service is worth investing in. When potential clients see that others have had a positive experience working with you, they are more likely to trust you and choose you over your competitors.

Why Testimonials Matter

Testimonials demonstrate that you are competent and can deliver the results that potential clients expect. A well-written testimonial also highlights the unique benefits of working with you and can help differentiate you from your competition. Testimonials can also help ease concerns that potential clients may have, leading to more conversions and sales.

When you collect testimonials, you are not only showcasing your expertise, but you are also showing potential clients that you care about their success. By featuring testimonials on your website and marketing materials, you are demonstrating that you value your clients’ opinions and experiences. This can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business (and that is the Gigging For Gold way!).

Types of Testimonials to Collect

There are different types of testimonials that you can collect, including written, video, audio, and social media testimonials. Written testimonials are the most common and can be displayed on your website, marketing materials, and even social media. Video and audio testimonials are more interactive and can be a great way to capture clients’ emotions about their experience. Social media testimonials, such as reviews on Facebook or Google, can also make a significant impact on potential clients and help increase your online visibility.

When collecting testimonials, it’s important to make the process as easy as possible for your clients. Consider sending them a survey or questionnaire to fill out, or ask them for a quick video testimonial during a follow-up call. You can also offer incentives, such as discounts or free products, for clients who provide testimonials.

In addition to all of the formal requests, I often create testimonials to share from readers’ and listeners’ comments. Yes, those are testimonials. I screen-shot them and add them to a folder and I do this constantly. I like this approach because sometimes, even with all your efforts sometimes people don’t want to leave ‘formal’ reviews on places like Google, Trip Advisor, etc… Here are examples of how I took screenshots and made a social media post with them. Notice they don’t need to be perfect. In fact, you’ll find you can be less stuffy sometimes and depending on your audience, might resonate the most.

Remember, testimonials are a valuable asset to your business. They can help you build trust and credibility with potential clients, differentiate yourself from your competition, and ultimately lead to increased conversions and sales.

Identifying the Right Clients for Testimonials

Testimonials are an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. They provide social proof and build trust with potential clients. However, it’s crucial to be strategic and thoughtful when selecting clients to ask for testimonials. Here are some tips for identifying the right clients:

Selecting Clients with Positive Experiences

When selecting clients to ask for testimonials, it’s essential to choose clients who have had a positive and successful experience working with you. These clients are more likely to provide a glowing testimonial that will be valuable to your business. They have experienced the benefits of your services or products firsthand and can speak to the value you provide. Ask clients who you know will speak highly of your services or products.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the scope of the project or service provided. Clients who have worked with you on a larger project or have utilized multiple services are often better suited to provide a comprehensive testimonial that highlights the full range of your capabilities.

Considering the Client’s Industry and Target Audience

It’s important to consider the client’s industry and target audience before requesting a testimonial. Testimonials from clients who are in the same industry as your target audience will be more relevant and resonate with potential clients. For example, if you are a marketing agency specializing in healthcare, a testimonial from a healthcare client will carry more weight than a testimonial from a client in a different industry.

Furthermore, it’s essential to consider the target audience of your marketing efforts. If your target audience is primarily small business owners, testimonials from other small business owners will be more effective than testimonials from large corporations or individuals.

Timing of the Request

The timing of your request for a testimonial is also critical. It’s important to ask for a testimonial while the client’s positive experience is still fresh in their mind. If too much time has passed, the client may not remember the specifics of their experience or may have moved on to other things.

Additionally, it’s essential to be respectful of the client’s time and schedule. Avoid asking for a testimonial during a busy period or when the client may be under stress. Instead, schedule a time to speak with the client and make sure they have enough time to provide thoughtful and detailed feedback.

In conclusion, selecting the right clients for testimonials requires careful consideration of their experience, industry, and target audience. By following these tips, you can gather powerful testimonials that will help build trust and credibility with potential clients.

Preparing Your Testimonial Request

Now that you’ve identified the right clients to ask for testimonials, it’s essential to prepare your request. We are not sitting around waiting for one, we are proactively seeking one. Testimonials are a powerful tool for businesses, as they provide social proof and build credibility with potential clients. A well-crafted testimonial can make all the difference in converting a potential client into a paying customer.

When preparing your testimonial request, there are a few key steps to keep in mind to ensure that you receive high-quality testimonials that will benefit your business.

Crafting a Personalized Message

The first step is crafting a personalized message that explains why you’re asking for a testimonial. This message should be tailored to each client and should highlight the specific benefits that they received from your business. By doing this, you’ll show that you value their opinion and that you’re not just asking for a testimonial for the sake of having one.

Be clear about what you’re looking for and how the testimonial will be used. Explain the value that the testimonial will bring to your business and how it can help other potential clients make an informed decision. By doing this, you’ll make it clear that the testimonial isn’t just about promoting your business, but also about helping others make a smart choice.

Providing Clear Instructions and Expectations

It’s important to provide clear instructions and expectations to the client. This will ensure that the testimonial meets your needs and is delivered in a timely manner. Explain the format for the testimonial, such as written or video, and provide instructions on how to submit it. Clarify the timeline for submitting the testimonial and the length and content requirements for the testimonial.

It’s also important to set expectations for the tone and content of the testimonial. While you want the testimonial to be positive, it’s important that it’s also honest and authentic. Encourage clients to share specific details about their experience with your business, rather than just providing a generic statement.

Offering Incentives for Participation

Offering incentives for participation can be a great way to motivate clients to provide a testimonial. This could be in the form of a discount on their next purchase or a free service. However, it’s important to ensure that the incentives don’t come across as bribes, as this could undermine the credibility of the testimonial.

Overall, preparing your testimonial request requires careful thought and planning. By following these steps, you’ll be able to gather high-quality testimonials that will help your business stand out from the competition.

Reaching Out to Past Clients

Now that you’ve prepared your request, it’s time to reach out to past clients.

Choosing the Right Communication Channel

Choose a communication channel that the client is most likely to respond to. This could be email, phone, or even social media. Be sure to follow up if you don’t receive a response.

Timing Your Request Appropriately

Timing is crucial when requesting a testimonial. Reach out to clients when their positive experience is still fresh in their minds. Avoid asking for a testimonial too far in the future, as clients may not remember all the details of their experience.

Following Up on Your Request

Be sure to follow up on your request if you haven’t received a response. A polite reminder can be a great way to prompt clients who may have forgotten about your request.

Utilizing Testimonials Effectively

Testimonials are a powerful tool that can help you build trust and credibility with potential clients. Once you’ve collected testimonials, it’s essential to use them effectively to maximize their impact. Do not feel like you are bragging here (a common issue we can sometimes feel), instead shift your mind to ‘this will help others.’

Showcasing Testimonials on Your Website

Displaying testimonials prominently on your website can help build trust and credibility with potential clients. Be sure to include the client’s name and photo, if possible, and ensure that the testimonial is easy to read and prominently displayed. You can also consider adding video testimonials to your website to provide a more personal touch. If someone writes you a glowing 2 paragraph testimonial, consider taking 2 sentences out of it to highlight.

Another effective way to showcase testimonials on your website is by creating a dedicated page for them. This allows potential clients to easily find and read through multiple testimonials, which can help reinforce the positive impression they have of your business.

Here is an example of how I showcase testimonials on this website for my Podcast (and note there too, I did not even ask for these they just were organically posted – thank you, listeners!):

Incorporating Testimonials into Marketing Materials

Include testimonials in your marketing materials, such as brochures, flyers, and pitch-decks to create a powerful impression on potential clients. Be sure to choose testimonials that are relevant to the audience you’re targeting. For example, if you’re targeting a specific industry or demographic, choose testimonials that speak to their specific needs and concerns.

When incorporating testimonials into your marketing materials, again be sure to highlight the most compelling aspects of each testimonial. This might include specific results or benefits that the client experienced as a result of working with your business.

Six Alternative Way To Say Testimonials:

  • What They Say About Us
  • Meet Our Customers
  • The Highest Standards. The Happiest Clients.
  • You Are The Center Of Our Universe
  • Take It From Them
  • Yes, It Really Works!

Sharing Testimonials on Social Media

Sharing testimonials on social media can help increase your online visibility and reach a new audience. Be sure to tag the client who provided the testimonial and provide a link to your website or relevant landing page. You can also consider creating social media graphics that feature the testimonial and share them across your social media channels, like my examples above.

Another effective way to share testimonials on social media is by creating short video clips featuring your clients. This allows potential clients to see and hear directly from your satisfied customers, which can be a powerful way to build trust and credibility. If you can’t get them on camera, you can read them out loud yourself.

Remember that utilizing testimonials effectively is an ongoing process. Make it part of your strategy. Continuously collect new testimonials and update your website and marketing materials to showcase them. By doing so, you can help build a strong reputation for your business and attract more clients over time.


To conclude, gathering testimonials is a crucial step in fostering trust and enhancing credibility with prospective clients. Remember: 92% of consumers read testimonials and reviews when considering a purchase. By tactfully and strategically reaching out to former clients, you can amass beneficial testimonials that can significantly contribute to your business’s success. It’s important to remember to make the most of these testimonials by prominently displaying them on your website, integrating them into your marketing collateral, and promoting them on your social media platforms. And don’t forget to read them yourself from time to time for a pick-me-up – you deserve it because, after all, you made it happen.

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I started my own entrepreneurial career in 2012 scaling up from $0 a year to over $100,000 each and every year. I firmly and wholeheartedly believe there are ways for all of us self-employed entrepreneurs to reach six-figures and beyond and I'm unapologetically here to show you how I do it so you can make your next best move. Let's go.

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