by sonja thorsvik

6 Ways to Repurpose Content: My Favorite Strategy

If there’s one thing that can easily make you feel like you’ll never be able to keep your head out of water in your business, it’s content creation. The push and the need for content is constant, and the advice to nail a system is ever-changing and different depending on who you ask and when. Woof.

One non-negotiable? A smart content strategy. Content is a necessity for every single digital marketer, business owner, and entrepreneur out there, because it’s one of the best ways to connect with people and then convert them into paying customers. But, doing it without intention is a surefire way to get stuck in a churn-out process that’s not doing anyone any good (especially you.)

One of the biggest game-changers in my business was finally learning the art of repurposing my content to work for me in more ways than one. It took a wild amount of work off of my plate while also converting into much bigger returns, and I can’t recommend it enough.

Here are my 6 tips for repurposing your content and finally feeling on top of your content approach, once and for all:

1. Keep 85% Of Your Content Evergreen

It might seem tempting to frame your content around everything from current events to specific periods in your life, but do me a favor and resist. While there’s always a place for time-sensitive content, focus on creating evergreen content first—because that’s what you can consistently repurpose (and your audience can reshare & reread) over and over again. 

If you’re wondering what evergreen content even is, I’m talking about content that’s consistently valuable to your readers and clients no matter the season, the day, or the year. When you hone in on evergreen content instead of more time-sensitive pieces, you’re allowing your content room to breathe and to gain a new audience at every single turn.

2. Expand On Your Top-Performing Content

Once every month or so, dig into the analytics on your site, your social platforms, and your email marketing software. What were the topics that resonated most with your audience? What were the blog posts and the videos with the highest click rates? What were people turning back to over and over again? By doing a little research within your own business, you can get a better grip on the content that your audience enjoys… and, in turn, you can be much more strategic with your content plan.

Once you discover the content that your clients and readers love, there are several ways to recycle it.

  • Isolate a single idea from the content you previously shared, and expand it into entirely new content.
  • Pull quotes or anecdotes from your content and turn them into social graphics.
  • Use different pieces of value from the same piece of content to target different segments of people via Facebook ads.

3. Follow The Gary Vee Content Pyramid Method

I’m a hardcore fan of Gary Vee’s business philosophies, and his strategy around repurposing content is wildly effective. He works via a reverse pyramid model called The Content Pyramid, where he uses one long-form piece of content (think: a long blog post, a video, a podcast), breaks pieces of it down into what he calls micro-content (think: GIFs, memes, quotes), and then distributes it everywhere.

That way, his one piece of content then becomes 30. Brilliant.

4. Update, Update, Update!

I think we tend to forget that updating content can be really valuable (at least I do!), and it’s an incredibly effective tool that doesn’t take much work on your part. Whether you add some up-to-date info to a more bare-boned blog post from the past or you add some new advice into one of your high-performing content pieces, simply refreshing content can give it an entirely new face.

There are tons of plugins you can use to update your content and push it out like new, or you can simply go in on the backend, make your revisions, and change the publish date. Voila!

5. Put Your Audience To Work

One of my absolute favorite ways to create content? By harnessing the power of the people, my friend! Crowdsourcing is an incredibly valuable way to find out and then harness your audience’s interests in order to create content that you know will resonate with them—because they’re the ones that came up with it!

Whether you source testimonials, ask your clients for questions they have regarding your business or add Q&A boxes to blog posts, the people that consume your content are the best way for you to make more of it. You can then repurpose that same feedback into blog posts, Q&A videos, and engaging testimonial ads. Like, hello. Yes, please!

6. Get Creative With Where And How You Share Your Content

If content creation feels never-ending, then I know that sharing it out does, too—and I can relate. Often, the content creation model looks a little like this: create content, post content, and then schedule it out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. (And do it all over again.) Sound familiar?

I’d encourage you to go past the typical platforms you use to share your content, and get a little creative. Venture into Pinterest (huge returns can wait for you there!), turn quotes into quote cards for Facebook ads, create video scripts for YouTube from your blog posts, repurpose any content into email newsletters, and share your content over on LinkedIn.

With a little bit more intention, you can easily turn one piece of content into 10—which might just mean you turn that $100 into $1,000. 

So, what are you thinking? Are you feeling a little less stressed and a little more like the badass entrepreneur you are? I hope so. The thing is, content creation doesn’t have to be the super time-consuming thing it often becomes. Really, it’s all about finding creative ways to repurpose your content and actually make it work for you. With these 6 tips for repurposing content, you’ll be able to scale your strategy into a lucrative one that puts a lot more eyes on your business.




I started my own entrepreneurial career in 2012 scaling up from $0 a year to over $100,000 each and every year. I firmly and wholeheartedly believe there are ways for all of us self-employed entrepreneurs to reach six-figures and beyond and I'm unapologetically here to show you how I do it so you can make your next best move. Let's go.

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